

Artists' Residencies/ International Artistic Collaborations


Retreats and
other Activities


Summer Schedule













Application procedures for:

Visual Artists

Performing Artists



Application Procedure for Writers


Applications are accepted throughout the year for residencies in the following summer.


Please submit:

1 an informal letter stating why you wish to be in residency at Polli Talu Arts Center, which dates you are interested in (2 - 4 weeks, June - September), what kind of work you are planning to do at the Center

2 a résumé, including contact address, tel/fax and e-mail

3 one to three work samples, maximum 3 pages

4 optional: pertinent information on the work samples submitted (maximum one page)

E-mail to office@pollitalu.org or send materials by postal service:

May - September:

Polli Talu Arts Center, Rame küla, 90103 Vatla, Estonia

October - April:

Marika Blossfeldt, 36 Lincoln Ave, Beacon NY 12508, USA


Artists will be selected by a peer review panel based on the artistic excellence of the work.

Direct any questions to Marika Blossfeldt, Artistic Director


Conditions for Writers


The writer's / composer's studio is located in the sauna building, a brand new thatched log building. The studio measures 4m x 6m and has a sleeping loft on one side of the room. A wood-burning fire place serves as the heat source. It is the responsibility of the artist to stock wood and use the fire place, if necessary. The workspace is equipped with the basics: a worktable, two chairs, lights and a compact music center which plays CDs and radio. Toilet, shower and sauna are separate from the studio and shared with other guests of the center.

No allowances are granted for supplies. Artists must bring all the materials and tools they will need with them. Regular and industrial-strength electricity is available.

Artists pay EURO 40 for studio, housing and meals per day/per person. Meals are mostly vegetarian (with occasional chicken and fish), prepared from organic vegetables from Polli Talu's kitchen garden, when available, and local produce, including eggs and dairy. Meals are served outdoors when the weather permits or in the Main House dining room.

Artists need to arrange for their travel to and from the Arts Center. There is a bus from Tallinn or Pärnu to Virtsu, where artists will be picked up at no charge. For a charge, artists can be picked up at Tallinn airport, harbor or Pärnu bus station and brought to the Center directly.



Current Artists-in-Residence

Previous Artists-in-Residence

Current International Artistic Collaborations

Previous International Artistic Collaborations






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